Should there be a self-regulation of the industries themselves?

Should there be a self-regulation of the industries themselves?

Self-regulation is an alternative method of governing artificial intelligence on industries and other identities. It’s another form of regulation so each company has the opportunity of creating new rules and standards for themselves, many times in areas where the laws of the government are lacking. I find this regulation as being a good complement technique when associated with the public one to solve some exclusive and unique challenges that artificial intelligence can come to develop on each industry, and it may overcome the competitive problem that stimulates the development of artificial intelligences to be faster rather than safer.
The biggest technologies’ companies created the currently existing Partnership of Artificial Intelligence - such companies like AmazonFacebookGoogleDeepMindMicrosoft, and IBM (International Business Machines Corporation). This Partnership is the most well-known representative body that works to cooperate on AI safety and its mission is to study and create the best methods on technologies of AI. There is a fragment of the partnership: The Advanced Technology External Advisory Council, or ATEAC, a committee created to give guidance to Google on how to ethically develop new technologies. This committee got accused by a group of employees of the multinational Mountain View, known as “Googlers Against Transphobia and Hateful” of including the Heritage Foundation’s president, Kay Coles James, on the council causing an outrage over her conservative ideals, against the whole cause for helping the environment, against LGBTQ people and for her anti-immigrant perspective, because of her hateful declarations it caused many people to doubt the impartiality that she could have and the influence of this in the development of the future of artificial intelligence on part of the industry.
She once said, against the Equality Law in the United States: “If they can change the definition of women to include men, they can erase efforts to empower women economically, socially, and politically,” (…) “The equality act is anything but equality. This bill would shut down businesses and charities, politicize medicine, endanger parental rights, and open every female bathroom and sports team to biological males.”.
The inclusion of the Heritage Foundation’s president led almost 2500 Google employees to create and sign a petition so she would be removed from the committee. Unfortunately, what happened was that Google completely deleted any sign of the petition and it didn’t go through with the desires of the employees. There was such a big controversial about the inclusion of Kay Coles James because supposedly they created a board that would induce and guide the company so it would have more ethical values and Kay Coles James was completely the opposite of that concept.
The people that are chosen to be on a so important board shouldn’t be based on how recognized or famous they are seen from the outside but instead they should have open-minded, impartial ideas.
Then, for ethic boards to have a meaningful impact, they must share the criteria they use to select their members, each role and responsibility so everyone has the opportunity to know how they produce effectiveness and to be able to determine if it’s a valuable ethical compass and not just a shallow way to say they have morals. If AI ethics isn’t about preventing public risks, then it’s hard to know what technology companies think it is, other than empty words.
So, this is one of the examples on how self-regulation would be a valuable way for AI industries to progress. More than ever, because of the media, technology companies need to be extra careful with what message they are passing and need to regulate what goes through and how people view and interpret them.

"Be transparent and specific about the roles and responsibilities ethics boards have" Rashida Richardson, director of policy research at the AI Now Institute

In this same line of thoughts, in the past it happened a viral scandal around one of the biggest companies of them all. In 2016 Facebook was accused of storing data about its users and selling it to other companies, one of them being called Cambridge Analytica.
Cambridge Analytica was a private business that analyzed data and used strategic marketing. But what this industry really did was using Facebook given data (and not only) to mainly manipulate presidential elections on lot of different countries. Their strategy was literally selecting the data with its own created criteria and algorithm and it would find the people that they thought would be the easiest to distort, so the easiest minds to put their influence on. They were payed directly by candidates to presidency to corrupt the votes just by changing people’s minds. Taking their data and understanding what their ideas were and what they wanted to attend to. A normal thing such as scenario of a country where there are more young people involved in the politics would make the company focus on that age range and if they would check a bigger pattern of open-minded people than people with conservative ideas, for example, they would create an whole campaign for the client - which would be a candidate for presidency - in a way that all that group of people would think their ideas are being listened to and easily changing their votes. They got to implement short advertments on people’s everyday technologies and implemented an idea on their heads to their favor.
This company was a big deal on United States of America when it helped Donald Trump’s elections. It used the same method and it was well payed to advertise the most it could against the campaign of its opponents. They voluntarily advertised more and more random videos related to crimes done by foreigners so when people saw Donald Trump’s campaign, (normally) excluding non-north American people from their country, they were influenced to think that same way, as it would be a good plan to exclude immigrants.
The company went all over the world, working side to side with candidates even on third-world countries. They worked for Brexit or the Leave.EU campaign to help the United Kingdom exiting the European Union. Using the same methodology; targeting U.K. voters on social media so that, once more, they were supporting themselves and their own interests with more subtle messages and pushing their ideas to outside of the European Union.
There is coming to a point where it should be concerning the lack of control of how these digital campaigns are getting because people aren’t being allowed to have an opinion by themselves, they are constantly being bombed with some company idea and advertise and this is happening even with common products created by what we think are normal industries and for them we are being sold to. Our data is all over the place. A simple thing as liking a post about a workout will get us to infinite advertisements about the best fitness centers we have around and their prices. They are selling our private ideas and preferences.

"Data profiling of voters was done at a more sophisticated level in the referendum than ever before," Collins, the British politician, told POLITICO. "It's a big concern, we should pass emergency legislation to mandate transparency in political campaigns."

In my opinion, there’s a giant lack of control on how artificial intelligences are being regulated. Not only by the public side but each company should have its own hands to measure and their own critical and ethical values carefully selected to guarantee the safety of the future of artificial intelligence and for this, both self and public regulation must go hand-in-hand.

